Cloud Technology Helps Manufacturers

MANUFACTURING companies around the world are increasingly using cloud technology to become more efficient and to stay more securely connected with their customers and their suppliers. The benefits of cloud computing for manufacturers include the following: Reliability: Cloud-based technology has fewer technical problems than software used on individual computers. Cost savings: Cloud solutions do not […]
Wholesale and Distribution, Reimagined

Wholesale distribution, an important component of the supply chain, has shown its weak links during the COVID-19 pandemic. Closely associated with transportation and logistics, the breakdown of the wholesale distribution amid the lockdown imposed by health authorities resulted in the shortage of essential commodities. The rise of electronic commerce has also affected the nature of […]
Recovering from COVID-19 through Cloud ERP
The COVID-19 pandemic has created massive turmoil for global economies and supply chains. Making the safety of customers and employees the topmost priority amid sudden change in consumer needs and government policies has prompted manufacturers and distributors to become more responsive in a constantly transforming environment. As businesses bounce back from this initial shock and […]
Financial Planning in the Time of Pandemic

Financial planning has become more challenging amid the pandemic which altered the way people work and conduct their business. Most companies actually revised their 2020 capital expenditure budget by the middle of the year after governments across the world imposed border restrictions that limited the flow of people, products, and services. Revenue targets were also […]