CloudTech ERP

Cloud ERP Tops Finance Firms’ Investment Choice – Gartner

Cloud enterprise resource planning is the top investment choice in the next three years of corporate finance organizations across North America, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, a survey by research and advisory firm Gartner revealed. Sixty-four percent of respondents from the 167 firms surveyed listed cloud ERP as their priority. Cloud ERP is “a […]

The One-and-Done Solution for Distributors

Wholesale distributors are facing a competitive market. How can they safeguard their business given the pressure to cut costs and improve margins, and given the greater demand from customers who now buy online as a result of COVID-19? Cloud technology has helped wholesale distributors stay on top of their game — with or without a pandemic. […]

Finance for the Better Normal

The pandemic has put the economic activity into a near-standstill with the restrictions on movement to stop the spread of the virus. 2020 was a difficult year for all business organizations, particularly for their financial and accounting units.  Financial and accounting professionals have to get the numbers right, enhance financial and management reporting, bring down […]

Logistics: Key to Reviving Economies

The global economy suffered the brunt of the coronavirus pandemic when one of its key sectors—transport and logistics—nearly came to a halt in March and April 2020. Numerous  countries imposed lockdowns without the necessary preparations. Exports and imports tumbled by double-digits, when authorities in charge of airports, seaports and even land borders restricted the flow […]

See it all, Know it all, Be it all: Visibility in The Cloud

When your company relies significantly on supply chains, visibility is indispensable. Without it, you are, quite literally, blind: Blind to how much you have, how much you need, how long and how satisfactorily you can meet your customers’ demands, and how you can take your business to the next level. There was a time when […]

NetSuite’s Inventory Management System — best tool for the new normal

Managing and organizing inventory through spreadsheets, multiple applications, or pen and paper while dealing with fluctuations in demand, and seasonality, supply chain and the natural life cycle of a product can be a challenge for businesses. It is important to understand raw materials and products and securing the availability of stocks when they are needed, […]

What’s Business Going to Look Like After the Pandemic?

It’s going to be a year since the pandemic introduced the lockdown that changed our lives. We all had to change the way we did things and adjust to the restrictions.. The next question is, “Will things ever go back to the way they were?”   Even if we look at three years down the road, we […]

Companies Need to Address Vulnerabilities in their Value Chains

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains, and for companies to survive and thrive in a post-pandemic era, they need to start mitigating risk. In the last 25 years, companies around the world have created “incredibly complicated, complex global supply chains” designed for cost and efficiency, said Susan Lund, a partner at […]

Anticipate These Finance Trends to be Resilient

2020 was a difficult year for all business organizations but especially so for their financial and accounting units. COVID-19 introduced big changes in the way people live and work. Finance professionals especially CFOs need to prepare and position their companies to be resilient and competitive in the future while also addressing the short-term concerns introduced […]

Building Resilience in the Supply Chain

A critical component of economic recovery is making sure that the supply chain is fully functional to deliver products from manufacturing sites to households and business establishments. Many companies learned costly lessons at the start of the pandemic last year when they were caught unprepared amid border restrictions that disrupted the flow of goods. Inventories […]